Wellness Journey

I made the decision to get a grip on my own health and try to heal by body from the inside out. Desperate for energy and feeling less miserable about myself, I started the Whole30 clean eating program and began incorporating free workouts at home 3 times a week - I used Mr&Mrs Muscle on YouTube (they are wonderful, quick, effective, and FREE). I enjoy walks and such to get exercise, but let’s be real, if it’s raining or cold I am not doing that. The home workouts provide no excuses. Especially getting to choose what muscle group, cardio, etc. you feel like doing that day. Just do it! I feel better every time I finish one. I used to spend more time on Pinterest pinning workout ideas rather than actually doing them.

After about three weeks of this new routine, I got my period back. WHAT? It’s been gone for 3 years, maybe it was finally time or just maybe what I was doing was helping me. Either way, it’s a relief to have your body functioning on the most basic level. I am now on my last week of Whole30 and am feeling much more awake and don’t immediately want to nap (which I don’t have the time or luxury to do anyways because #toddlerlife) after eating anymore.


Moving Forward

